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Towards a Decolonial Aesthetics in Curating and Producing Indonesian Artists

November 9, 2022

For 2023’s AESCIART, Dr Sadiah Boonstra addresses the question how curatorial projects aim at transgressing established categories and limited perceptions of art to acknowledge and encourage more diverse points of view that better resonate with contemporary societies. Her presentation offers a contribution to the discussion on artistic, curatorial and producing strategies for decolonizing history and art.

Asosiasi Museum Indonesia

Museum, Decolonization and Repatriation

October 15, 2022

In this talk Dr Boonstra speaks about how museums can generate societal change. She talks how the power of museums is connected to knowledge. Museums were and are in the business of knowledge creation and production. In order to decolonize the museum, we have to change the way in which we think about knowledge. “Decolonizing knowledge as decoloniality” is about relinking and reconnecting with knowledge that preceded the colonial enterprise. For the Indonesian context it would mean to reconnect, highlight and prioritize Indigenous knowledge, kearifan local, in our work. This will change the conversation, not just the content.

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space

Hybrid Presentation: Declaring Distance

April 8 - 9, 2022

Atelier KITLV and Framer Framed invite you for the hybrid presentation Declaring Distance: Bandung-Leiden, a trans-local exchange on ways of imagining and engaging with the colonial archive. The presentation, as part of the first phase of artist Theo Frids Hutabarat’s Atelier KITV residency program, will kick off with a series of online discussions on the 8th and 9th of April via Zoom.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama & Podluck Podcast

Podcast Kitab Kawin bersama Laksmi Pamuntjak

February 1, 2022

Di episode Podcast Kitab Kawin ini, kita akan mendengarkan bincang-bincang seru penulis Laksmi Pamuntjak dengan narasumber terkait isu kohabitasi atau berumah tangga namun tidak menikah. Narasumber di episode ini adalah Dr. Sadiah Boonstra, sejarawan budaya dan kurator museum dan seni rupa. Di sini Sadiah menceritakan pendapatnya tentang mengapa kesetaraan murni antara laki-laki dan perempuan itu sulit dicapai dalam perkawinan, tapi justru bisa dicapai dengan kemitraan sipil atau kohabitasi, dan kenapa menjalani hubungan romantis yang serius di usia matang itu sebuah pilihan yang baik. Selamat mendengarkan.

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