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Centre for Cultural Research and Development, Lingnan University

Networks of Gesture: Producing New Inter-Indonesian Dance for the International Stage

May 14 - 15, 2021

Dr Sadiah Boonstra and Dr Paul Rae present their work on performances presented during the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Performing Arts (Asia TOPA), held in Melbourne, Australia. They discuss three commissioned works featuring dancers from across Indonesia, and from Australia: The Seen and Unseen, by Jakarta-based director Kamila Andini, Balinese choreographer Ida Ayu Wayan Satyani, and several Melbourne-based collaborators; Metal, by Australian dance company Lucy Guerin Inc. and the heavy metal choir Ensemble Tikoro, from Bandung, West Java; and The Planet – A Lament, by Garin Nugroho, featuring a choir from West Timor and dancers from West Papua and Java. Presentation of a fourth, IBUIBU BELU: Bodies of Borders, choreographed by Eko Supriyanto from Solo in Central Java, and performed by dancers from East Nusa Tenggara province, which borders Timor-Leste, was cancelled following the imposition of Covid-19 travel restrictions.

Universitas Diponegoro

Seminar Daring: “Pengelolaan Warisan Budaya Indonesia di Mancanegara”

August 28, 2021

Program Studi S1 Sejarah Universitas Diponegoro telah menyelenggarakan Webinar yang bertema “Pengelolaan Warisan Budaya Indonesia di Mancanegara”, Sabtu (28/8) dengan narasumber Prof. Dr. Mattew Issac Cohen (Departemen of Dramatic Arts, University of Connecticut) dan Dr. Sadiah Boonstra, M.A. (Prospective Honorary Fellow, Melbourne University) serta sebagai moderator Dr. Siti Maziyah, M.Hum (Universitas Diponegoro).

De Groene Amsterdammer

De Groene Amsterdammer Holland Festival Podcast

June 20, 2021

Tijdens het Holland Festival produceert De Groene Amsterdammer een podcast waarin voorstellingen worden uitlicht en makers aan het woord komen. Presentatoren Roos van der Lint, Gawie Keyser, Joost de Vries en Christiaan Weijts praten met makers en deskundigen over de voorstellingen en uitvoeringen die vanaf 3 t/m 26 juni op het programma staan.

Museum DPR RI

Seminar Daring Museum DPR RI “Masa Depan Museum Setelah Pandemi: Memulihkan dan Mengemas Ulang Museum

May 19, 2021

Still living through the COVID-19, Dr Boonstra speaks about the impact of the pandemic on museums from her perspective as an independent curator and historian. She shares her experiences of an exhibition in the Netherlands and a performing arts festival in Melbourne and relates them to how museums around the globe have responded and are responding to the pandemic. Finally, Dr Boonstra reflects on what might be in store for museums in the future. In Bahasa Indonesia.

NUS Press

Book launch: Returning Southeast Asia's Past: Objects, Museums, and Restitution

May 6, 2021

The live virtual book launch of "Returning Southeast Asia's Past: Objects, Museums, and Restitution", published with the Southeast Asian Art Academic Programme (SAAAP), SOAS University of London.

Sinta Tantra

Constellations of Being. An upcoming solo show of Sinta Tantra curated by Sadiah Boonstra.

March 1, 2021

Constellations of Being is an upcoming solo show of British-Balinese artist Sinta Tantra. Through this exhibition, Tantra explores her own and her family’s past in order to create new constellations of history, emotions, experiences, as well as shapes, colors, and materials towards an exciting future. Scheduled to be exhibited on November 5, 2021, in ISA Art and Design, Jakarta.

Pakhuis de Zwijger

Rijksmuseum presenteert: Talkshow Revolusi!

March 1, 2021

A talk show curated by Sadiah Boonstra and Maria Rey-Lamslag. A conversation between Revolusi! curators Harm Stevens, Marion Anker, Bonnie Triyana and Amir Siddharta with Nancy Jouwe, Susan Legêne, Ronald Nijboer, David Van Reybrouck, DJ Sekan and Feba Sukmana. Presentation by Griselda Molemans. In Dutch with English subtitles.

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