Jurnal FIB UI
Decolonizing Botanical Gardens and Knowledge of Nature in Museums and Arts
December 15, 2020
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia” dan “Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya” akan menyelenggarakan seminar daring dalam bahasa Indonesia: 'Decolonizing Botanical Gardens and Knowledge of Nature in Museums and ArtsDiscussing academic and artistic approaches'
Framer Framed
Book launch: Revolusi!
December 13, 2020
On December 13, Framer Framed, Read My World and Beyond Walls are organising a program around the recently published and already much discussed book REVOLUSI by David Van Reybrouck. Wim Manuhutu will talk to David Van Reybrouck, Goenawan Mohamad, Sadiah Boonstra and Amanda Pinatih. With a multimedia performance Manual for the Displaced by Robin Block and Jeremy Flohr.
Open Univesiteit
Van wie zijn de botanische tuinen?
October 8, 2020
Botanische tuinen zijn lang enkel bestudeerd vanwege hun natuurwetenschappelijke belang voor het Westen. Westerse wetenschappers en hun kennis vormden het middelpunt van deze studies. In dit webinar proberen we met een ander, en minder eurocentrisch, perspectief naar dergelijke tuinen in Indonesië, Zuid-Afrika en Suriname te kijken.
Framer Framed
On the Nature of Botanical Gardens: Artist Talk
August 4, 2020
As the exhibition 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' nears its end, Framer Framed organised an artist talk with participating artists Arahmaiani, Lifepatch, Zico Albaiquni, and curator Sadiah Boonstra, to discuss their work and vision on topics of identity, colonial and botanical history, indigenous knowledge and the use and exploitation of nature in Indonesia. 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' closes its doors on 16 August 2020-- come visit during these last weeks!
The Distillery
The Distillery - Sadiah Boonstra
July 4, 2020
Dr Sadiah Boonstra is a cultural historian and curator. She currently combines her appointment as Asia Scholar at Melbourne University with being an independent curator in Jakarta, Indonesia. In her broad cultural practice, she merges academic expertise with curation, producing, and public programming. She is fascinated by the entanglement of the past and the present, especially when it concerns the legacies of history, heritage and the arts of colonial and contemporary Indonesia.
Nederland Unlocked
Exhibit 24: Ruwatan Tanah Air Beta
June 22, 2020
Zico Albaiquini's Ruwatan Tanah Air Beta was contributed by Sadiah Boonstra, curator of the exhibition On the Nature of Botanical Gardens by Framer Framed. The On the Nature of Botanical Gardens exhibition shows the work of nine Indonesian artists who take a critical look at botanical gardens, colonial power and knowledge building. They also want to show their work what the effect is on plants and nature if you approach them economically. The exhibition lasts until August 16 and you can go there for free.
Framer Framed
Interview with Sadiah Boonstra: ‘On the Nature of Botanical Gardens’
April 9, 2020
Sadiah Boonstra is the curator of the exhibition 'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' (2020) was interviewed by Evie Evans. The exhibition features nine contemporary Indonesian artists who look critically at botanical gardens, colonial power, knowledge building and the economics of nature, its legacies and current consequences of approaching nature and plants
De Groene Amsterdammer
’s Lands Plantentuin
March 11, 2020
Een van de eerste haltes op de route van het koninklijk staatsbezoek aan Indonesië was het presidentieel paleis in Bogor, hier beter bekend als Paleis Buitenzorg, naar de naam van de plek onder Nederlands bewind. Op het landgoed bevindt zich tevens een beroemde botanische tuin, aangelegd door de Duitse botanicus Reinwardt, die voor Nederland planten en zaden uit de hele archipel verzamelde, met als doel de teelt. ’s Lands Plantentuin heet nu Kebun Raya Bogor.
On the Nature of Botanical Gardens bij Framer Framed
March 9, 2020
Het hervinden én zich verbinden met kennis van de natuur zoals die vóór de Nederlandse overheersing van Indonesië bestond: dat is een van de doelstellingen van de tentoonstelling On the Nature of Botanical Gardens in Framer Framed. Over de dekolonisatie van de tuin.
Framer Framed
Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens
March 1, 2020
The exhibition On the Nature of Botanical Gardens: Contemporary Indonesian Perspectives was borne out of in-house research as critical perspectives of plants, the exploitation of nature, and botanical indigenous knowledge. Themes that have cropped up in previous Framer Framed exhibitions.
Art and Market
Review ‘On the Nature of Botanical Gardens’ by Ian Tee
February 20, 2020
Botanical gardens are enjoyed today as places of leisure, where one is able to view a vast variety of plants and flowers from around the world. Yet, these sites are also tools of empire intrinsically tied to colonial practices of collecting and displaying "ethnographic" objects.