IBUIBU BELU is the culmination of two years of research by Indonesian dancer and choreographer Eko Supriyanto into the Likurai, a dance tradition which forms a vital thread in the social fabric across the island of Timor, Indonesia. Through his exploration of movement, rhythm, songs and textile traditions makes manifest the ways in which Likurai dance carries the kinship of people, who are now divided by politically imposed borders separating Nusa Tenggara Timur and neighbouring Timor-Leste. These embodied memories and histories are expressed in Likurai, paradoxical proof that bodies challenge political boundaries while at the same time remaining restricted by them.
Artistic Team
Choreographer | Eko Supriyanto
Dancers | Feliciana Soares, Evie Anika Novita Nalle, Angela Lavenia Leki, Adriyani Sindi Manisa Hale, Marlince Ratu Dabbo, Yunita Dahu
Dramaturg | Renee Sariwulan
Dramaturgy/creative presence | Arco Renz
Music director | Dimawan Krisnowo Adji
Lighting design | Jan Maertens
Costume designer | Vivi Ng, Erika Dian
Producer | Sadiah Boonstra
Tour manager | Isa Natadiningrat
Rehearsal assistant | Riyo Tulus Pernando
Production | EkosDance Company
Provincial Government Belu (Atambua, Indonesia), Asia TOPA (Melbourne, Australia), Theater im Pumpenhaus (Münster, Germany), SPRING Festival (Utrecht, the Netherlands), TPAM - Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (Yokohama, Japan), Komunitas Salihara (Jakarta, Indonesia), Ratnasari Langit Pitu (Jakarta, Indonesia)
IBUIBU BELU: Bodies of Borders ©Ekosdance Company
Photos of dancers in Belu ©David Gesuri/Ekosdance Company
Photos of IBUIBU BELU: Bodies of Borders at Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama - TPAM © Hideto Maezawa/TPAM